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Many ways to save money and energy this winter: SaskPower

Jan 22, 2019 | 11:00 AM

The winters in Saskatchewan are long, cold and dark. This inevitably leads to people using their lights longer and heating their homes for a greater period of time.

SaskPower is reminding everyone that there are plenty of energy saving tips that could save them money during the long winter months.

Spokesperson for SaskPower, Joel Cherry, said a lot of small changes can save you money. Things like turning down the thermostat when you’re not home.

“You know the temperature even a degree or two cooler, you’re going to be saving money there. This is the kind of thing you can do for your benefit to reduce your bills, but it also does help reduce the load on our system and ultimately your carbon footprint,” Cherry said.

Cherry said many vehicles don’t need to be plugged in until temperature dips below the – 15 C mark. When you do plug your vehicle in, it shouldn’t be for more than four hours.

He said SaskPower customers could save $30 a year by simply using a timer when plugging in their car’s block heater.

Customers can also reduce their energy usage by opting to purchase energy efficient appliances and using them to their max capacity, ie: washing full loads of laundry, use pots and pans that cover the stove stop burner, and avoid opening your oven door while cooking.

Cherry said it will take everyone’s concerted effort to use less power.

“It’s kind of like voting, for one person to make these changes it’s not going to make a huge difference to our power production province wide, but if everyone makes a few smart choices we are going to see a measurable difference,” he said.

For more power saving tips check out SaskPower’s website.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni